Aqua Flies Luke's Chromewrecker Flies

Lucas Meeker pattern

Aqua Flies Luke's Chromewrecker - Fall Favorite
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Aqua Flies
Aqua Flies
Luke's Chromewrecker

Aqua Flies Luke's Chromewrecker - Fall Favorite

Buy Now 9.00 $USD


The Chromewrecker was originally developed by Lucas Meeker as a large-profile, un-weighted pattern for targeting big water Steelhead in the lower flows of late summer and fall. Fishing big flies un-weighted with a heavier sink tip allows the fly to keep the large profile of a big weighted winter fly, but stay up in the column to snag less in broader and more consistent gradient runs. Many big steelhead flies sink slowly, especially un-weighted, but the Chromewrecker is tied with sparse materials that don't slow the sinkrate.

As the pattern evolved over three years, Luke added weighted variants and colorways targeting winter Steelhead and Chinook. Another central idea in this pattern is to use multiple shades of colors and contrasting points to build blended colors and markings that more closely resemble how colors blend and fade in nature (even when the color is bright!)... like the blended markings on the flank of a bright chrome Steelhead.

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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