Metz Grizzly and Natural Saddles Fly Tying Materials

Flexibility & Metz quality

Metz Grizzly and Natural Saddles
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Grizzly and Natural Saddles

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Metz Grizzly Saddle Dyed #2 Purple

Buy Now 102.99 $USD


The Metz Grizzly Saddle is best suited to flies in the region of sizes 12-14.  You may find that you can get some size 16's out of it, though if that's your aim you'll have more success from a Cock Neck as opposed to a Saddle, the former of which has much finer feathers than the latter.

Information on Metz grading:

Saddles and necks (also knows as capes) are sold in grades. Each grade reflects the quantity of feathers that you can expect to receive, though does not necessarily reflect a change in quality of the feathers.

  • Grade 1: a saddle or neck of this grade will have the highest number of feathers available.
  • Grade 2: middle of the road, with a good number of feathers.
  • Grade 3: a saddle or neck of this grade will have the least number of feathers available out of the grades.

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75% 9
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25% 9

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